I started looking at Craig Fisher's work to inspire some of my cake designs. I liked the way he used fabric and textiles in his work to create scenes and props like knives and other weapons.
With this sculpture, I wanted to represent the Cheshire Cat and how it 'disappears' by leaving parts missing when I covered the wire structure with plaster and scrim
I started this project by researching into Alice in Wonderland. I looked at the older versions and the more updated 2010 version by tim burton. I also looked at some exsisting sculptures that people had already done and some other interesting pieces of work inspired by Alice in Wonderland. We then watched the 1999 film and that gave me some ideas to begin my experimental work. I was mostly interested in the prop side of the films and the whole 'tea party' scene so I decided to look more into it and decided to make some small cakes out of clay. I thought they worked quite well but the colour of the clay didn't make them look good or edible so I decided to paint them as you can see from a previous post. I found this made them look more edible and interesting as my class seemed to like them and thought they looked very tasty so I was quite happy with them. I also wanted to look more into the queen of hearts with the white roses painted red and the cards but other people were interested in that so I wanted to do something that no one else was doing. After I made the cakes I wanted to develop them further and create a sort of 'icing' effect but I didn't know what to use to creat this. I saw Heather using wax and I thought it would look quite good on my cakes so I melted some coloured wax onto them which I think made them look really good and colourful. I then wanted to explore wax further so I decided to put wax on different materials and mix it with glue, ink and glitter. I put it on tissue paper, fabric, bubble wrap and tracing paper. Eleanor then showed me that you could tip boiling hot wax into cold water, ink, and glitter and it would create a sort of 'explosion' in the water. I really enjoyed doing this and I thought they looked really good when I took them out the water. I wanted to use them on a garment but I didn't know how I could do it because when you take the the wax out of the water it would be hard so I didn't know how I could create a garment out of it. I then went in a different direction and made a sculpture out of chicken wire, I then filled it with newspaper and covered the top half with scrim and plaster but I left some bits open because I wanted it to represent the Cheshire cat and how it disappears which is why there are parts missing, then I poured blue and black ink and glue over it to show the colours of the Cheshire cat from the 2010 Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland film. I was quite happy with the finished piece because it is my interpretation of the Cheshire cat and I think it works quite well plus the blue and black work really well together and I like the effect the missing parts give it. I have now started creating a cushion cake inspired by the artist Craig Fisher. I want to continue making props and cakes because I think they look really good. I will make some more cakes out of fabric but different sizes so it will include the whole 'shriking/growing' element of the story.