Thursday 24 April 2014


For my FMP, I decided I would carry on with fear and phobias. I started by looking through what  had already done and thinking of new ideas that could incorporate the theme I had come up with. Although I have no clue whether I want my final outcome to be a sculpture/installation or a garment, I started to look into doll houses and Eleanor showed me a piece by Tim Burton of a small house with a creepy figure inside and a mirror with feet in and blood all over the walls. I then started to design my own ideas of what I could do in my doll house to make it feel scary and uncomfortable. After designing a few ideas I realised they all seemed to look like Tim Burton's little house and didn't look very original so I started thinking about an installation instead. I couldn't decide whether I wanted a maze type thing or a hall of mirrors but I knew I wanted people to be able to get lost in it and feel uncomfortable or lost, like how phobias make you feel. I then thought I could add some sound effects like creepy child laughter and other eerie sounds and then Eleanor could be running around the same installation laughing then eventually pop out and scare the people/person inside. I got my inspiration for this from the Halloween events at theme parks such as Alton Towers and Thorpe Park where strange people follow you around a maze or a building and people pop out from behind doors/objects. I then started to research 'Installation art' and then I came up with something completely different where I would use origami to create 'knife' looking or 'sharp' objects that I could hang from the ceiling. I wanted there to be loads of them so as soon as you walk in you are greeted by these really sharp looking objects but you cant tell they are just paper therefore you would be scared because you would think you almost got stabbed. I haven't quite decided what I will do for my final outcome but I think it will more than likely be an installation piece rather than a garment or performance or a painting.

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