Tuesday, 20 May 2014


I started looking into illusions for my new idea for my FMP. Heather showed me this piece of art which really interested me. It involves mirrors and illusion to make the viewer think they are seeing a ghost but really they are just seeing a reflection.


For Amy.


Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Fear survey.

I found a fear survey online and I actually found it quite helpful because of all the different questions that were asked which will help me with my FMP work.

How old are you?

What insect are you most afraid of?

What animal are you most afraid of?

What crime are you most afraid of?

What form of transportation are you afraid of?

What health issue are you most afraid of?

What supernatural being are you afraid of?

What is it about fire that scares you most?
  • 10 of you said the heat.
  • 24 of you fear losing your belongings.
  • 22 of you fear injury to yourself.
  • 99 of you fear injury to family/friends.
  • 24 of you fear injury to pets.
  • 9 of you fear smoke inhalation.
  • 145 of you fear being trapped in the fire.
  • 33 of you fear not having a house if your house catches fire.
  • 44 of you are not scared of fire at all.

  • What do you fear most about water?
  • 172 of you fear sharks the most.
  • 1 of you fears whales the most.
  • 13 of you fear stingrays the most.
  • 8 of you fear eels the most.
  • 2 of you fear fish the most.
  • 11 of you fear seaweed the most.
  • 1 of you fears crabs the most.
  • 20 of you fear alligators the most.
  • 31 of you fear jellyfish the most.
  • 2 of you fear sea turtles the most.
  • 97 of you fear deep water the most.
  • 53 of you aren't scared of water.

  • What aspect of your house scares you the most?
  • 39 of you fear your basement the most.
  • 12 of you fear a closet.
  • 5 of you fear the area under your bed (we bet your parents do too!)
  • 124 of you fear strange noises.
  • 10 of you fear the furnace.
  • 18 of you fear the garage.
  • 19 of you fear spooky shadows.
  • 56 of you fear possible ghosts.
  • 130 of you are not scared by your house.

  • What's your biggest fear about your family?

    What do you fear most about school?
  • 18 of you fear reading out loud.
  • 10 of you fear taking tests.
  • 50 of you fear public speaking.
  • 14 of you fear not knowing the answer to a question when the teacher calls on you.
  • 10 of you fear report cards.
  • 9 of you fear bullies.
  • 55 of you fear getting bad grades.
  • 7 of you fear going to a new school.
  • 10 of you fear peer pressure.
  • 20 of you fear gossip.
  • 27 of you fear being made fun of.
  • 17 of you fear not having anyone to sit with at lunch.
  • 24 of you fear not fitting in.
  • 7 of you fear disapproval from your teacher.
  • 9 of you fear gym class.
  • 2 of you fear riding the bus to school.
  • 13 of you fear bomb threats.
  • 56 of you fear school shootings.
  • 51 of you do not fear anything about school.

  • What do you fear most about going to the doctors?

    What is your most common fear?


    Fear response.

    Thalamus - decides where to send incoming sensory data (from eyes, ears, mouth, skin)
  • Sensory cortex - interprets sensory data
  • Hippocampus - stores and retrieves conscious memories; processes sets of stimuli to establish context
  • Amygdala - decodes emotions; determines possible threat; stores fear memories
  • Hypothalamus - activates "fight or flight" response

  • Fear/Anxeity.

    This is a chemical called 'cortisol' which is a chemical that is continually secreted throughout the day by the adrenal glands. These are triangular-shaped, and they sit on top of the kidneys. Cortisol secretion follows a 24 hour, or circadian rhythm, with peak levels occurring in the morning (from about 6.00am-8.00 am) and the lowest levels are at about midnight. There are many factors that influence cortisol levels including fasting, exercise, and anxiety.

    Fear of illness/death. (Damien Hurst)

    Most people are afraid of dying and I'm pretty sure everyone is afraid of cancer. However, I was looking at some of Damien Hurst's art and found some really interesting installations about smoking and a piece showing lung cancer which I found really pretty.





    The ashtrays and the biopsy painting are my favourite but I also really like the cigarette cabinets because it is scary to see how many cigarettes people smoke then the cancer biopsy shows what it can do to you which I find really scary yet beautiful at the same time.


    I have also been looking into anatomy because I find it really interesting and scary to see how the body works and knowing that all that stuff is happening right now inside us without us knowing it's happening.

    Ideas for FMP.





    Glove experiments.

    I used different materials in gloves to see if I could recreate the inside of a human hand. I used glue and ink in this one:

    I liked this one. People felt it and thought it was really creepy and weird and it kind of felt like human muscle and fat in the hand. It even looked like fat inside I quite liked it.

    This one I used glue ink and wax:
    I liked this one the most and this one is the one people found to be the most creepy because the wax felt like bone that had been smashed up.

    This last one I just used ink and wax:
    This one felt like shattered bone but it wasn't as good because it didn't feel like a real hand because there is no 'fleash' feeling.

    Maze idea.

    This was one of my ideas for my work. I wanted to make a maze for people to get lost in. This is the start of my research into mazes. I started to make a small maze to start off with however it's not yet finished. 

    Model armature.

    I tried to make a model of what I wanted to put on the wall as an installation piece but it went a bit wrong. 

    Wednesday, 7 May 2014

    Another FMP idea.

    Lilith inspired photography.

    These pictures I took were inspired by Kiki Smith's Lilith 
    Amy painted Eleanor black then I realised I could use her for my work because it reminded me of Lilith and she did look truly terrifying. I then took a video of her dancing to 'tiptoe through the tulips' because that to me is a creepy song. I  thinking of using something similar to this for my final piece.

    Artist inspiration.

    Kiki Smith Lilith - 1994

    "In medieval Jewish lore, Lilith was Adam’s first wife. When she demanded to be Adam’s equal, she was evicted from the Garden of Eden. Lilith flew away to the demon world, replaced by the more submissive Eve. Smith catches us off guard with Lilith’s pose and placement. Most sculptures receive our gaze passively, but Lilith stares back with piercing brown eyes, ready to pounce."

    I really like this piece, I want to do something like this in my own work because the black figure and the piercing glare gives a sense of fear. If I could use something like this in my art to create the same feeling I would be very happy.

    Tuesday, 6 May 2014

    New Idea.

    I was given an idea to create a wall of boxes with things in for people to feel because they wont know what it inside so it will make them feel more uncomfortable or 'scared' because they don't know what is in there. I want to research more into this for my FMP.

    Balloon light development.

    After playing about with the balloons for a bit we decided to try and take the lights out and put them in wax so the light would shine through. We then thought it wouldn't work because the heat from the wax could break the light but we tried anyway and this is the result.

    Light up balloons

    We bought some balloons from pound land that light up and we lit them up to try and create strange images.